How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (2024)

/ #Rest Api
How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (1)
Alex Husar
How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (2)

Application programming interfaces – or APIs – are an important programming concept to understand. And if you invest the time to learn more about these interfaces, it can help make your tasks more manageable.

One of the common types of APIs is a REST API. If you’ve ever considered getting data from another website, such as Twitter or GitHub, you’ve probably used this kind of API.

So why is understanding a REST API useful? How does it ensure modern business connectivity?

Before building or operating an API, or a REST API in particular, you should first learn what an API is. This article will walk you through the REST API principles, and how they grew into powerful applications.

How Do APIs Work and Why Do You Need Them?

APIs represent a set of definitions and protocols. You need them for app development and integration as they facilitate data exchange between two pieces of software, like an information supplier (a server) and a user.

APIs specify the content available to the client making the call from the producer that's returning the response.

Programs use an API to communicate, retrieve information, or perform a function. APIs allow users to work with the system to return their desired result.

To put it simply, an API acts as a mediator between users (clients) and resources (servers).

When users make API requests or visit an online store, they expect a fast response. So you need to optimize Magento TTFB (Time To First Byte) or use other performance enhancement strategies that work best for your CMS.

The reasons to integrate an API include:

  • streamlining resource and information sharing
  • controlling who has access to what with the help of authentication and defining the rights
  • safety and control
  • no need to understand the software specifics
  • consistent communication between services, even though they use different technologies

Overview of REST APIs

How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (3)

RESTful refers to software architecture which stands for “Representational State Transfer”. You may have heard of it in the context of standardizing the use of information exchange systems (web services).

These web services utilize a stateless protocol to make textual representations of their online resources available for reading and processing. A client performs well-known HTTP protocol-based activities like fetch, update, and delete.

REST was first established in 2000 with the goal of improving performance, scalability, and simplicity by enforcing specific limits on an API.

It has gained popularity because of the opportunity to cover various devices and applications. Below you will find some of the purposes of using REST APIs.

How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (4)

1. Web Use

There’s no specific client-side technology for REST as it suits diverse projects, such as:

  • web development
  • iOS apps
  • IoT devices
  • Windows Phone apps

As you won’t have to stick to a specific client-side stack, you can build any infrastructure for your company.

2. Applications in the Cloud

REST API calls are ideal for cloud applications due to their statelessness. If something goes wrong, you can re-deploy stateless components, and they can grow to manage traffic shifts.

3. Cloud Computing

An API connection to a service requires controlling how the URL is decoded. That’s why REST has become more useful in cloud services.

RESTful API architecture will become the norm in the future, thanks to cloud computing and microservices.

How do REST APIs Work?

Data (such as images, videos, and text) embody resources in REST. A client visits a specific URL and sends a server request to receive a response.

How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (5)

The Concept Behind REST APIs

A request (the URL you access) contains four components, which are:

  • the endpoint, which is the URL with the structure root-endpoint/?
  • the method with one of the five possible types (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)
  • the headers, serving various functions, including authentication and providing information about the content of the body (you can use the -H or --header option to send HTTP headers)
  • data (or body), that’s what you send to the server through the -d or --data option with POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE requests.

The HTTP requests allow you to operate with the database, such as:

  • POST request to create records
  • GET request to read or get a resource (a document or image, a collection of other resources) from the server
  • PUT and PATCH requests to update records
  • DELETE request to delete a resource from a server

These operations stand for four possible actions, known as CRUD: Create, Read, Update and Delete.

How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (6)

The server sends the data to the client in one of the following formats:

  • HTML
  • JSON (which is the most common one thanks to its independence of computer languages and accessibility by humans and machines)
  • XLT
  • PHP
  • Python
  • plain text

Why Use a REST API?

Why should you prefer REST over other APIs, such as SOAP? There are numerous reasons, like scalability, flexibility, portability, and independence.

How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (7)

Not relying on the project structure

A separate client and server operation means that developers aren’t bound to any project parts. Thanks to adaptive REST APIs, they can develop each aspect without influencing another one.

Portability and adaptability

REST APIs work only when the data from one of the requests is successfully delivered. They allow you to migrate from one server to another and update the database at any moment.

Opportunity to scale the project in the future

As the client and server act independently, the coders may swiftly develop the product.

Features of the RESTful Architecture Style

Developers have to consider a rigid structure of some APIs, such as SOAP or XML-RPC. But REST APIs are different. They support a wide range of data types and may be written in practically any programming language.

The six REST architectural constraints are principles for designing the solution and are as follows:

How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (8)

1. Uniform Interface (A Consistent User Interface)

This concept dictates that all API queries for the same resource, regardless of their origin, should be identical, that is, in one specific language. One uniform resource identification (URI) is associated with the same data, such as a user’s name or email address.

Another uniform interface principle states that messages should be self-descriptive. They must be comprehensible for the server to determine how to handle it (for example, the type of request, mime types, and so on).

2. Client-Server Separation

The REST architectural style takes a peculiar approach to the client and server implementations. The thing is, they can be done independently and don’t have to know about the other.

For example, the client has only the uniform resource identification (URI) of the requested resource and can’t communicate with the server program any other way. On the other hand, the server shouldn’t affect the client software. So it sends the essential data over HTTP.

What does this mean? You can modify the client code at any moment without impacting the server’s operation.

The server code is in the same boat: changing the server’s side won’t affect the client’s operation.

You can keep client and server programs both modular and independent as long as each side knows what message format to deliver to the other.

What do we achieve by separating the user interface problems from the data storage constraints? We improve the interface flexibility across platforms and boost scalability.

Furthermore, each component benefits from the separation because it can evolve independently. A REST interface assists different clients in:

  • accessing the same REST endpoints
  • executing identical activities
  • receiving similar responses

3. Stateless Communication Between Clients and Servers

REST-based systems are stateless, meaning that the client state remains unknown to the server and vice versa. This constraint allows the server and the client to understand any sent message, even if they haven’t seen the preceding ones.

To enforce this constraint of statelessness, you need to use resources rather than commands. These are the nouns of the web. Their purpose is to describe any object you may want to keep or communicate to other services.

You can control, change, and reuse components without affecting the system as a whole, so the benefits of this constraint include achieving:

  • stability
  • speed
  • scalability of RESTful applications

Note that each request should include all the information required to complete it. Client applications have to save the session state since server apps shouldn’t store any data linked with a client request.

4. Cacheable Data

REST requires caching client-side or server-side resources wherever possible. Data and response caching are critical in today’s world because it results in better client-side performance.

How does it affect a user? Well-managed caching can reduce or eliminate some client-server interactions.

It also gives the server more scalability options due to the smaller burden on the server. Caching increases the page load speed and allows you to access previously viewed content without an Internet connection.

5. Layered System Architecture

How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (9)

The RESTful layered design structure is the next constraint under discussion. This principle involves grouping different layers with specified functions.

The REST API layers have their responsibilities and come in hierarchical order. For example, one layer may be responsible for storing data on the server, the second for deploying the APIs on another server, and the third for authenticating requests in another server.

These layers act as mediators and prevent direct interaction between the client and server apps. As a result, a client doesn’t know which server or component they address.

What does it mean when each layer performs its function before transferring the data to the next? It improves the API’s overall security and flexibility because adding, altering, or removing APIs doesn’t affect other interface components.

6. On-Demand Coding (Non-obligatory)

The most common scenario of using REST APIs is to deliver static resource representations in XML or JSON.

However, this architectural style allows users to download and run code in the form of Java applets or scripts (such as JavaScript). For example, clients can retrieve the rendering code for UI widgets by calling your API.

Challenges You Should Expect When Using REST APIs

When you’ve understood REST API design and architectural constraints, you should know the issues to expect while employing this architectural style:

How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (10)

Agreement on REST endpoints

APIs should remain consistent regardless of the URL construction. But with the growth of possible combinations of methods, it’s harder to maintain uniformity in large codebases.

Versioning as a feature of REST APIs

APIs require regular updating or versioning to prevent issues with compatibility. However, old endpoints remain operational, which increases the workload.

A lot of authentication methods

You can specify what resources are available to what user types. For example, you can determine which third-party services can access customer email addresses or other sensitive information and what they can do with these variables.

But the 20 different authorization methods that exist can make your initial API call difficult. That’s why developers don’t proceed with the project due to the initial difficulties.

REST API security vulnerabilities

Although RESTful APIs have a layered structure, there still may be some security concerns. For example, if an application isn’t secure enough due to a lack of encryption, it can expose sensitive data.

Or a hacker may send thousands of API requests per second, causing a DDoS attack or other misuses of the API service to crash your server.

Excessive data collection and requests

A server may return a request with all the data, which may be unnecessary. Or you might need to run multiple queries to get the needed information.

Wrapping Up

There’s no surprise that APIs are predicted to streamline web-based communications in the future. Their purpose is to allow any web apps to interact and share data.

For example, they assist growing online businesses in developing robust and inventive systems. As the API architecture evolves, it adopts lighter and more flexible variants, which are critical for mobile apps and scattered networks.

So in this article you learned the basics of what you need to know about using REST APIs.












How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (11)
Alex Husar

Chief technology officer at Onilab with 8+ years of experience in developing PWAs, Magento migration, and Salesforce development.

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How to Use REST APIs – A Complete Beginner's Guide (2024)


How do I use API just the basics? ›

How to Use an API
  1. Select an API. First, you'll want to find an API to incorporate into your business. ...
  2. Get an API key. ...
  3. Review the API documentation. ...
  4. Write a request to an endpoint. ...
  5. Connect your app.
Jun 28, 2023

What are the 4 principles of RESTful API? ›

The REST API architecture defines REST principles by four interface controls, including identifying resources, managing resources through representations, enabling self-descriptive communications, and making hypermedia the engine of the application state.

How can I use REST API? ›

Step #1 – Enter the URL of the API in the textbox of the tool. Step #2 – Select the HTTP method used for this API (GET, POST, PATCH, etc). Step #3 – Enter any headers if they are required in the Headers textbox. Step #4 – Pass the request body of the API in a key-value pair.

How do I create a REST API for beginners? ›

How to Design a REST API
  1. Identify the Resources – Object Modeling. The first step in designing a REST API-based application is identifying the objects that will be presented as resources. ...
  2. Create Model URIs. ...
  3. Determine Resource Representations. ...
  4. Assigning HTTP Methods. ...
  5. More Actions.
Dec 30, 2022

What is a restful API for dummies? ›

A REST API is based on the HTTP protocol and uses HTTP requests to POST (create), PUT (update), GET (read), and DELETE data. These APIs are often exposed over a simple URL like and applications can interact with this API by making HTTP requests to this URL/endpoint.

How do you explain API to layman? ›

APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau's software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone.

What are the 7 RESTful routes? ›

The seven actions that perform our CRUD operations are index, new, create, show, edit, update, and destroy.

What are the 3 components of a RESTful API? ›

RESTful APIs require requests to contain the following main components:
  • Unique resource identifier. The server identifies each resource with unique resource identifiers. ...
  • Method. Developers often implement RESTful APIs by using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). ...
  • HTTP headers.

What are the 6 constraints of REST API? ›

Architectural Constraints of RESTful API: There are six architectural constraints which makes any web service are listed below:
  • Uniform Interface.
  • Stateless.
  • Cacheable.
  • Client-Server.
  • Layered System.
  • Code on Demand.
Jan 5, 2023

What is a good example of a REST API? ›

An application implementing a RESTful API will define one or more URL endpoints with a domain, port, path, and/or query string — for example, https://mydomain/user/123?format=json . Examples: a GET request to /user/ returns a list of registered users on a system.

Which tool is used to REST API? ›

SoapUI is the world's most widely-used automated testing tool for SOAP and REST APIs. You can use SoapUI to write, run, integrate, and automate advanced API Tests easily in your project. Many developers use SoapUI to test APIs, both during design and development and after deployment for support.

What is the difference between API and REST API? ›

A web API lets you interact with a web server through HTTP requests, while a REST API lets you interact with any kind of server over HTTP. REST APIs are web services that use HTTP and provide an interface for clients to interact with the service.

Is making a REST API hard? ›

REST API development isn't as easy as writing a web app or an HTML document. You must follow specific rules and best practices to ensure that your API is secure, reliable, and scalable. If you take things one step at a time, however, you'll end up with an application that provides tremendous value to your users.

What is the best language to build an API? ›

From our experience in developing enterprise APIs, we have found that Python, Flask, Node, JS, and Express are the best languages ​​for building EFFICIENT web application APIs.

What is the main purpose of REST API? ›

One of the key advantages of REST APIs is that they provide a great deal of flexibility. Data is not tied to resources or methods, so REST can handle multiple types of calls, return different data formats and even change structurally with the correct implementation of hypermedia.

What is JSON REST API? ›


The REST architecture allows API providers to deliver data in multiple formats such as plain text, HTML, XML, YAML, and JSON, which is one of its most loved features.

What are the disadvantages of REST API? ›

Disadvantages of REST
  • Constraints. REST APIs are generally constrained by six architectural restrictions, including a unified interface, client-server nature, stateless operations, layered system design, and so on. ...
  • Lacks Security. ...
  • Learning Curve. ...
  • Limited Transfer Protocol Support.
Apr 21, 2022

What are the 4 types of API? ›

API types by architecture
  • Monolithic APIs. Most public APIs are monolithic APIs, meaning they are architected as a single, coherent codebase providing access to a complex data source. ...
  • Microservices APIs. ...
  • Composite APIs. ...
  • Unified APIs.

What is a simple example for API? ›

7 Examples of APIs
  • Twitter Bots. If you spend a significant amount of time on Twitter, then you've probably come across a bot at one point or another. ...
  • Log-In Using XYZ. ...
  • Weather Snippets. ...
  • Pay with PayPal. ...
  • Google Maps. ...
  • Travel Booking. ...
  • E-commerce.

How do you explain API to a non technical person? ›

An API is a collection of definitions, protocols and instruments that interact and communicate with each other. APIs are the reason that a user can cooperate with a web-based tool or application. API's enable the user to interact with the interface and request data or specific actions from an app.

What are HTTP types in REST? ›

Review these five common RESTful API HTTP methods that developers need to know. Use this guide to understand the differences and uses for each of the methods.
  • HTTP resources vs. resource collections. ...
  • Method 1: POST. ...
  • Method 2: PUT. ...
  • Method 3: PATCH. ...
  • Method 4: GET. ...
  • Method 5: DELETE.
Jul 16, 2021

What are the 7 CRUD methods? ›

CRUD is 4 distinct operations and there are seven RESTful actions. Create, Read, Update, Edit, Delete are CRUD actions. R of CRUD holds Index, New, Show, Edit and Edit, and Delete. The actions determine whether your consuming data, or feeding it, all the others are feeding it.

What are the two formats of the RESTful API? ›

The REST API supports the following data formats: application/json. application/json indicates JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and is used for most of the resources. application/xml indicates eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and is used for selected resources.

How many requests can a REST API handle? ›

By default, it is set to 100 requests per 100 seconds per user and can be adjusted to a maximum value of 1,000. But the number of requests to the API is restricted to a maximum of 10 requests per second per user.

How many routes are there in REST API? ›

There are 7 different restful route patterns to follow when creating an application or web service that will interact with the server.

What are the 5 essential HTTP method in restful API development? ›

The primary or most-commonly-used HTTP verbs (or methods, as they are properly called) are POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. These correspond to create, read, update, and delete (or CRUD) operations, respectively.

What is REST API in one word? ›

A REST API (also known as RESTful API) is an application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services. REST stands for representational state transfer and was created by computer scientist Roy Fielding.

What is the difference between REST API and Postman? ›

Of the different API testing tools available, Postman and REST Assured are widely used tools in the market. While Postman is a stand-alone tool, REST Assured is a Java library used in API automation testing.

Is Postman a REST API? ›

Postman began as a REST client, and the product has been improving ever since. Try out the Postman API Platform for free.

Which is best language for REST API? ›

From our experience in developing APIs for major corporations, we have figured that Python Flask and Node JS Express have been the best frameworks and languages to developing a RESTful API for any web-based applications.

What is the best way to test REST API? ›

Steps to test RESTful API
  1. Open Advanced REST Client. Install Advanced REST Client. ...
  2. Enter the URL of the API you wish to test in the textbox.
  3. Select HTTP method in API testing, for example POST.
  4. Give Headers set in the Headers textbox. ...
  5. Click USE THIS SET.
  6. Provide body content. ...
  7. Submit the details to start testing.
Sep 22, 2021

How do I automate REST API? ›

We'll cover how to:
  1. Send API commands to the server and validate responses.
  2. Use values from responses as parameters in test steps.
  3. Combine REST API and recorded UI steps within the same automated test to achieve end-to-end testing.
  4. Analyze reports.
Mar 17, 2020

How much time required to learn REST API? ›

Designing Restful APIs

This course is expected to take around three weeks to complete for someone who is interested in learning about APIs.

What is better than REST API? ›

GraphQL is widely tagged as a better REST because it represents a better way of building APIs. Many developers believe that GraphQL will replace REST. Many more have already discovered that GraphQL helps solve some common challenges developers face while building REST APIs.

How many days required to learn REST API testing? ›

you will learn about everything API Testing Using Postman, SOAPUI, PAW, and many more API Testing Tools in these 30 Days.

What is the difference between web application and REST API? ›

As Web APIs are lightweight architecture, they are designed for gadgets constrained to devices like smartphones. In contrast, REST APIs send and receive data over systems making it a complex architecture.

Which language is easy to make REST API? ›

Simple syntax

Among other backend languages, Python gained a reputation as the easiest to learn. It has a simple syntax similar to the English language which makes Python code comprehensible even for amateurs.

What is a faster alternative to REST API? ›

GraphQL is a runtime and query language for APIs that allows clients to request and receive only the data they require, making it more efficient than REST. With GraphQL, clients can specify the exact data they need and get it in a single request instead of making multiple requests to different endpoints as in REST.

What code is API written in? ›

How to Use an API. Developers can use almost any modern programming language (like JavaScript, Ruby, Python, or Java) for their own API coding.

Is Python or Java better for API? ›

Both Python and Java can often be used for Machine Learning and API interactions. However, while on the one hand, Java is often used for enterprise grade applications; on the other hand, Python is excellent for scientific and numeric computing.

Is Python a good language for APIs? ›

Python is an extremely popular programming language for building RESTful APIs. Choosing the right framework to create your APIs with is a crucial factor in the initial build phases. In this post, we will explore 5 of the most popular REST API frameworks for building web APIs with Python.

How to use API without documentation? ›

Here are a few ways you can move forward with testing HTTP-based APIs even if you have zero documentation available to you.
  1. Check the API's current usage. ...
  2. Look around the API's source code repository. ...
  3. "Borrow" a developer for a few days. ...
  4. Remember to leave things better than you found them. ...
  5. Summary.
Nov 9, 2021

How do I access API with basic authentication? ›

In IIS Manager, go to Features View, select Authentication, and enable Basic authentication. In your Web API project, add the [Authorize] attribute for any controller actions that need authentication. A client authenticates itself by setting the Authorization header in the request.

Can I learn API without coding? ›

A No-Code method to connect to any API using Google Sheets for users without any experience in coding. In computer science, an application programming interface (API) is a way for several programs to communicate with each other. If you have limited coding experience, you may have never used it yourself.

What are 3 most common APIs? ›

Today, there are three categories of API protocols or architectures: REST, RPC and SOAP. These might be dubbed "formats," each with unique characteristics and tradeoffs and employed for different purposes.

What are the 6 types of API? ›

6 Types of API Architectures and How They Work
  • REST. REST APIs are modern and are the most popular API architecture that developers use. ...
  • SOAP. Simple object access protocol (SOAP) is an official API protocol. ...
  • GraphQL. GraphQL is a query language for an API. ...
  • Apache Kafka. ...
  • AsyncAPI. ...
  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Mar 1, 2023

What should I learn before API? ›

Basic computer literacy, a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, JavaScript basics (see first steps, building blocks, JavaScript objects).

How do I connect to a REST API without writing any code? ›

Connect to APIs Without Code
  1. Introduction: Connect to APIs Without Code. By cbkirk Follow More. ...
  2. Step 1: Decide What API You Need. ...
  3. Step 2: Find the API Docs. ...
  4. Step 3: Find the Endpoint. ...
  5. Step 4: Determine Your Request Type. ...
  6. Step 5: Understand the Parameters. ...
  7. Step 6: Format Your Request. ...
  8. Step 7: Use the Data.

When not to use an API? ›

When not to create REST APIs
  1. It already has an API. Your system already has an API. ...
  2. It Will Break. Your API will break. ...
  3. It Will Change. Ha! ...
  4. It Will Be Slow. Your API will be slow. ...
  5. It Will Be Hard To Parse. I am sure many of you parsed JSON documents. “ ...
  6. 6: It Will Not Make You Money. ...
  7. Conclusion.

Can we use API without database? ›

1 Answer. Yes, you can create a simple REST API without any DB or user identification, authentication etc.

How do I pass my credentials to REST API? ›

The client must create a POST call and pass the user name, password, and authString in the Request headers using the /x-www-form-urlencoded content type. The AR System server then performs the normal authentication mechanisms to validate the credentials.

Which three methods can be used to authenticate to an API? ›

Here are the three most common methods:
  • HTTP Basic Authentication. The simplest way to handle authentication is through the use of HTTP, where the username and password are sent alongside every API call. ...
  • API Key Authentication. ...
  • OAuth Authentication. ...
  • No Authentication.
Jun 17, 2021

How do I authenticate an API without username and password? ›

Authentication without username/password
  1. Present a login page to the user that asks for PIN and password (or DOB, etc.) ...
  2. Use the access token to call the API and find the user based on the field you are using, that will give you the username for login (which is always an email address).
Nov 19, 2021

How fast can I learn API? ›

How Long Does it Take to Learn APIs? It takes a few hours to learn the fundamental concepts behind APIs. This is because the architecture behind APIs is relatively simple if you have a good understanding of the web. You may end up spending days or weeks learning an individual API and what you can do with it.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.