how many teeth does a chihuahua have? [Complete Guide] (2024)

Table of Contents:

how many teeth does a chihuahua have? [Complete Guide] (1)Young puppies, for instance, have only 28 deciduous (puppy or baby) teeth, while all fully grown adult dogs, regardless of their size, have a minimum of 42 teeth. This means that both mastiffs and Chihuahuas have 42 teeth in 2 extremely different mouths.

The Chinese tongue is known for its versatility, and the word “chihuahua” truly embodies that philosophy. Although it can be used to refer to any small, dog-like creature, its most common meaning is the little dog with the big ears known for its playful, yet feisty temperament.

Whether you’ve dubbed it “the Mexican standoff”, “the crazy little dog that bites”, or simply “a funny little thing that curls up when you sit down and watches you with big, brown eyes”, you’ll most certainly find a use for this versatile little dog.

Just how many teeth does a chihuahua have? Take a look below and find out…

how many teeth does a chihuahua have? [Complete Guide] (2)

The Incisive Tooth

If your dog is a purebred, you’ll know that they are born with all their teeth and don’t lose any until they’re mature. This type of dog will have 32 to 48 teeth, depending on breed.

But if they’re a crossbreed or a mixed breed, like a chihuahua, then their teeth will start falling out at an early age. This is mostly attributed to genetics; if a parent has missing teeth, then the chances of the offspring also being missing are quite high. That is, unless they’re pulled or knocked out by some sort of injury.

However, this early loss of teeth does not mean your dog is suffering from tooth decay or a damaged immune system. It is simply a genetic fact that certain breeds of dogs need much dental care throughout their lives.

how many teeth does a chihuahua have? [Complete Guide] (3)

The Premolars

Any dog whose teeth are falling out too soon will have trouble chewing their food properly. Because the premolars are so important, dentists refer to them as the “chewers”. In fact, the American Veterinary Association defines the premolars as “the lower two pairs of permanent teeth; one on each side of the mouth.”

These teeth are important because they help your dog to break down food into smaller particles that are easier for the digestive system to process. If your dog has too many premolars then you might notice that they’re having trouble eating certain types of food due to their hard nature.

So while it’s great that your dog is developing their adult teeth and doing something helpful with them, it’s also important to examine why they’re losing so many of the tiny pearly whites. You might want to consider having them examined by a veterinarian so that they can get to the root of the problem.

how many teeth does a chihuahua have? [Complete Guide] (4)

The Molars

Once your dog’s front teeth start coming in, it means that their permanent teeth are developing. These are the “biters”, as it were, that are responsible for helping your dog to process food. The molars behind them, known as the “palates” are thinner and less permanent than the front teeth. So while it’s great that your dog is getting used to their new teeth and how to groom them, it’s also important to remember that this is a period of their life when they’ll need care and proper feeding especially around the area where the palates meet the rest of the mouth.

This area is known as the “gum line” and it’s where bacteria and fungi reside. If your dog has poor oral hygiene and messes around with eating too much sugar, then they’re putting themselves at risk for gum disease and other infections in and around their mouth.

how many teeth does a chihuahua have? [Complete Guide] (5)

The Sequence Of Teeth

If you’re wondering where your dog’s teeth are and whether or not they’re permanent, then you can use this chart to figure it out. Print it out and keep it near your desk as a quick reference guide.

As you can see, after about eight weeks your dog will have their first set of permanent teeth. They’ll have four front incisors, two on the left side and two on the right. They’ll also have four back molars and four premolars on both sides. So altogether, your dog will have 12 permanent teeth.

The next set of teeth to appear will be the canines. These are the “fangs” that are used for biting and puncturing things, so it’s only natural that they’d be next to appear. It can take up to a year or longer for your dog’s first pair of canines to grow in, especially if they’re not going to be used for chewing or biting. Once they do appear, however, they’ll stay for the lifetime of the animal.

how many teeth does a chihuahua have? [Complete Guide] (6)

How Many Teeth Does A Chihuahua Have?

The answer to this question is not as straightforward as you might think. As mentioned above, it depends on several factors. First, the dog’s breed. A purebred Chihuahua will have the full complement of teeth described above while a crossbreed or a mixed breed may have fewer teeth. In general, a Chihuahua will have between 24 and 32 teeth. However, these numbers can vary slightly depending on breed.

how many teeth does a chihuahua have? [Complete Guide] (7)

Are There Any Adaptations For People Who Are Blind Or Have Poor Vision?

If you’re blind or have poor vision, then there are a few things you can do to make your dog more accessible and their mouths less intimidating. You can use a different word to describe their teeth, like “fangs” or “canines”, to make them more familiar to your fingers. You can also use a different language for describing textures, like “smooth” or “velvet”, so that you have a more descriptive word at hand when you need it. Lastly, you can use braille or another form of tactile alphabet so that you can feel the letters when you’re trying to guide your dog through tasks

Why Are Dogs’ Teeth Important?

Dogs’ teeth are important for several reasons. First, they help your dog to process food. The front teeth grab and break food down into smaller particles that the digestive system can more easily absorb. The molars behind the teeth, also called the “palates”, are thinner and less permanent than the front teeth, and so they’re more susceptible to damage. This is why it’s best to avoid giving your dog food with a high starch content, like potato chips or pasta. These types of food can often be hard for your dog to break down properly, resulting in health problems later on.

Your dog’s teeth are also important for protecting their digestive system. The incisors and canines are used for biting and puncturing things, so they’re able to keep infections at bay by keeping harmful microorganisms like bacteria and fungus out. In addition, the enzymes in the saliva that are produced when your dog eats certain types of food can help to break down those food substances into smaller particles, which reduces the risk of choking.

As the owner of a dog, it’s your responsibility to ensure that their teeth are healthy. This means brushing them regularly, flossing them afterward, and taking them to the vet if they have any problems. Remember, some dogs’ teeth will naturally fall out before others, so be patient and don’t worry if they lose a few early on.

Commonly Asked Questions – 💬

❓ Do Chihuahuas have problems with their teeth?

Dental disease is the most common chronic problem in pets. Your Chihuahua is more likely to need a Chihuahua Dental than other dogs. A Chihuahua Dental is usually needed to control pain and infection in their small overcrowded oral cavity.

❓ What age do Chihuahuas lose their teeth?

Puppies lose deciduous teeth between three and seven months of age. The adult tooth will absorb each milk tooth root. By the time your Chihuahua is eight months old, he/she should have a full set of a total of 42 teeth. The incisors begin to fall at three months of age.

❓ Do Chihuahuas have 2 sets of teeth?

As in humans, dogs have two sets of teeth in their lifetime. Puppies have 28 deciduous teeth also known as primary, baby, or milk teeth. Adult dogs have 42 permanent teeth, also known as secondary teeth.

❓ Do all dogs have 42 teeth?

An adult dog should have 42 teeth in total, that's 20 on top of their jaw and 22 on the bottom. Puppies have only 28 temporary teeth! Not all dogs grow in their 42 teeth! In fact, for unknown reasons teeth may become entrapped by bone or gum tissue.

❓ How many teeth do chihuahueuses have?

How many teeth do Chihuahuas have? Adult Chihuahuas have 42 health teeth made up of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. However, as they get older, some teeth can fall out through decay or play.

❓ When does a chihuahueuse stop teething?

Chihuahua teeth age chart indicates that the milk teeth are replaced when the age exceeds four months. After that, the development of adult teeth starts happening. Chihuahua teeth chart also says that the adult teeth will be there permanently after eight months, and the puppy will stop teething. When Do Chihuahua Ears Stand Up?

❓ Do Chihuahuas lose their teeth?

The puppies will most likely lose their teeth while eating or biting on toys. Don’t be overly worried when you suddenly notice a tooth on the ground. There could be a small amount of blood, no need to worry. When the process is complete your Chihuahua will have 42 permanent teeth.

❓ Do 14-year-old chihuahueuses have dental problems?

We’ve had 14-year-old Chihuahuas that still have all their teeth, and others that have lost all their teeth by 3 or 4 years of age.” They go on to say that periodontal disease is the number 1 health problem in Chihuahuas. Dental issues are a big part of this breed’s life, but why?

how many teeth does a chihuahua have? [Complete Guide] (8)


  • “On the Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection, 6th Edition” by Charles Darwin – Floating Press, 2009
  • “Primate Adaptation and Evolution” by John G. Fleagle – Elsevier Science, 2013
  • “Clinical Anatomy by Systems” by Richard S. Snell – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007
  • “Physics of the Human Body” by Irving P. Herman – Springer International Publishing, 2016
  • “Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals” by Bernd Wursig, William F. Perrin, J.G.M. ‘Hans’ Thewissen – Elsevier Science, 2009

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how many teeth does a chihuahua have? [Complete Guide] (2024)


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