'I Don't Know What to Do With My Life': How to Navigate This Feeling (2024)

When we see people who are successful in their careers, it's natural to assume they always knew that what they're doing was the "right" path for them, and that they're thrilled to be doing it. That isn't necessarily the case, though. When surveyed, about 70% of people at any given moment are actively looking to change careers, and only 14% are fully content in their jobs without any changes desired.

The typical career path of going to college or trade school, choosing a vocation, and entering that field for life once you graduate has gone by the wayside. It used to be the norm, but that's no longer the case.

Nowadays, close to half the American population changes careers when they're just shy of 40 years old! Additionally, the average person experiences nearly half of the total jobs they'll ever have by the time they're 24.

Are you unsure about what to do your life? You're far from alone, and most people have felt that at one time or another. Below, find the steps to take to help you figure out what to do with your life.

Examine Where You're At

Before you can know where you should go, you need to have a clear view of where you are. Most importantly, you need to understand what you do and don't like about your life right now, because that can help you determine what direction to take in a potential career.

If you spend a lot of time around people, are you happy and fulfilled by that? Or does it leave you feeling overwhelmed and suffocated, and you wish you could spend the bulk of your time alone? On the other hand, if you spend most of your time alone, does that make you content and at peace, or do you long for more consistent social interaction?

Look closely at how you spend your days, and at what activities in them bring you joy. Equally important is to examine what elements of your life you just don't care for. You'll also want to think about what motivates you: Do you want to have a positive impact on society, or is that not vital for your happiness? Do you want to earn high wages, or does that feel unimportant? Take time to sit with these questions, and consider journaling to help you work through your thoughts and feelings.

List Your Talents

What we do for work is more likely to come naturally to us, and to feel smooth and easy, if we're capitalizing on our innate talents and strengths. To go the opposite route, such as becoming an accountant when you're bad at math or a salesperson when you don't like chit chat, could lead to misery.

Everyone has talents, but we don't always recognize them. For example, if you have an easy time talking to strangers, you might assume that everyone does—but that's very much not the case. Some people have social anxiety and may find talking to those they don't know well to be anxiety-inducing. Chances are, much of your personality is actually comprised of your individual talents as a person.

If you're having trouble deciding what your own talents are, ask your friends and loved ones. You might think you just like doodling, but a close friend might consider you a gifted artist. Utilize your community to help you understand what you do well naturally, and do your best to believe what you hear even if you've never thought of the things you do as strengths or talents.

Discern How You Work Best

Jobs vary immensely in terms of process. Some are client-facing, having you interact in person with other people all day; other jobs are remote, with few or no virtual meetings ever. Some jobs are full time, morning to evening, Monday to Friday; others involve nights and/or weekends, or condense work schedules into shorter durations. Jobs can be project-oriented, such as the film industry, or long term stable with a large company.

Think about what excites you when you consider all the various workplaces, times, and methods out there. Picture your body, and what you like to do—if you enjoy using your hands all day, or if you like using only your brain, for example. Understanding how you would fit into a workplace's culture is key to understanding whether it would make you a happy worker. Journaling can also help in this phase, and give you better clarity on your feelings.

Talk to People Who Enjoy Their Fields

Reach out to anyone you know with a career they enjoy, and ask if you can use them as a resource. If they agree, ask them questions about their job. How did they find this field? What made them know it was right for them? What about their job makes them feel fulfilled? How important is their job to their overall happiness in life?

When you receive answers, check in with how they make you feel. If you're excited to hear someone talk about something, that's meaningful, as is a gut response of "Wow, I don't know how anyone could enjoy doing that!"

How to Find Happiness in Your Life

Research Training and Education

Once you have gained an understanding of your talents, how you work best, and how others got into their fields, do some research to find out what potential career paths for you would entail.

Your personal financial resources might feel paramount here, and you might think you have no options except very inexpensive ones. Fortunately, that isn't always the case. There are many types of help available (that aren't student loans). These range from federal grants to financial aid, and there may be specific help available for your career choice or people in your demographic.

Also consider the amount of time involved, and be realistic about how much time you're gladly willing to take to learn everything needed to enter a new career field. Your gut instinct is helpful here, too. If thinking of going to school for several years for a particular skill sounds exciting, that's a much better sign than if it sounds boring and exhausting.

Try New Things

This is the perfect phase of life to give new things a try. Any career you might be interested in will probably have a small scale version available for you talk to someone at, witness for a day, or spend a few hours at the place of business.

Local colleges and trade schools are a great resource here, as they can discuss your options with you and potentially connect you to the businesses you might be interested in. By having the opportunity to spend a few hours or a day somewhere, you'll gain a deeper understanding of what that field would be like to be a part of.

If you're confused or unsure where to begin, or you just want the help of a professional, a career counselor might be the answer for you. Their whole job is helping you figure out the right one for you, and they'll be well-versed in the needed steps to take to get started in any field. You can find career counselors at your local high school, college, or vocational school.

A Word From Verywell

Not knowing what to do with your life can feel incredibly stressful. Know that this is a common feeling most people have experienced at one time or another, and you have countless options. If you're feeling anxiety around this subject, seeking out online therapy for anxiety can help you feel more settled and able to move forward on your path.

2 Sources

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. 17 remarkable career change statistics to know(2022) [Internet]. Apollo Technical LLC. 2022 [cited 2022 May 10].

  2. Number of jobs labor market experience marital status and health results ... Bureau of Labor Statistics. Published 2021. Accessed May 10, 2022.

'I Don't Know What to Do With My Life': How to Navigate This Feeling (1)

By Ariane Resnick, CNC
Ariane Resnick, CNC is a mental health writer, certified nutritionist, and wellness author who advocates for accessibility and inclusivity.

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'I Don't Know What to Do With My Life': How to Navigate This Feeling (2024)


What to do if I don't know what to do with my life? ›

Figure out what to do next with your life
  1. Examine your purpose in life. Find your purpose. ...
  2. Evaluate your life values. ...
  3. Analyze your strengths. ...
  4. Examine your career choices and designation. ...
  5. Assess your opportunities. ...
  6. Explore your hobbies and passions. ...
  7. Take field trips and observe other people. ...
  8. Read, learn, and get inspired.
May 13, 2021

How do I know what to do in life? ›

Below are some important questions to determine where you want to go in life:
  1. What makes you happy? ...
  2. What are your needs? ...
  3. What are your personal values? ...
  4. What gives you purpose? ...
  5. What activities put you in a flow state? ...
  6. What would you do if there were no limits? ...
  7. Who do you admire or get jealous of?

Is it normal to not know what career you want? ›

It's perfectly normal – in fact it's one of the most common things we hear. Few people have a grand career plan when they leave university, and for many it's daunting making such an important choice.

What is my purpose in life? ›

Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work.

What are the 3 things you need in life? ›

The Three Things We All Need for a Happy Life
  • Someone to love.
  • Something to do.
  • Something to look forward to.

How do I find my thing in life? ›

  1. Keep trying lots of different things. ...
  2. Don't be afraid to try things others don't find interesting or cool. ...
  3. Give something more than one chance. ...
  4. Look for a problem to solve. ...
  5. Ask people in your life (friends, family, teachers, etc.) ...
  6. Be willing to put in the hours and do the work.
Jun 23, 2014

What makes me happiest? ›

People often think things like money or luxury lead to happiness, but research indicates some healthy life practices may actually be the key. Simple experiences like spending time with friends and family or practicing gratitude may promote a healthier outlook on life. Looking for ways to shift negative thinking?

How do I find a job I love? ›

7 steps to finding a job you'll love
  1. Consider what you are curious about.
  2. Don't immediately take salary into consideration.
  3. Ask for an objective opinion.
  4. Identify your ideal work environment.
  5. Meet with a career counselor.
  6. Expand your skills.
  7. Research companies that interest you.
Mar 10, 2023

Why is it so hard for me to pick a career? ›

Lack of Experience. Limited work experience is another reason why you might find it tough to choose your career path. There are instances when talking with people who work in a career you're interested in pursuing isn't enough. You can overcome this hurdle by potentially participating in additional training.

What is the best degree for people who don't know what to do? ›

Considered the best major for undecided students is liberal studies. This major offers broad studies that apply to different careers. As a liberal studies major, you will take humanities, social science, and other classes. From history to psychology, plan on taking many liberal arts courses.

What to do if you don t know what to become in future? ›

Here are some steps to help you choose a career if you're undecided:
  1. Ask Yourself.
  2. Decide Where You're Going to Start.
  3. Make a list of Job Opportunities. After assessing yourself, come up with a list of potential career options. ...
  4. Ask Around. ...
  5. Make a Decision. ...
  6. Mark Your Goals. ...
  7. Draft your Action Plan.

Is it OK not to know what to do? ›

So, it is okay not to know what you want to do with your life. In fact, perhaps it's even preferable for a time. Deciding to live on your own terms, following your own intuition and living as honestly as possible is the most important decision of all. It's also important to briefly look back every now and then.

What does God say about finding your purpose? ›

Psalm 57:2 says, “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” This is key in understanding God's purpose for your life. God has numbered your days and will fulfill every purpose He has for you. However, our choices and actions also really matter.

What is the 5 purpose of life? ›

In The Purpose Driven Life, Pastor Rick Warren reveals the meaning of life from a Christian perspective—five purposes that you were created by God to fulfill: worship, unselfish fellowship, spiritual maturity, your ministry, and your mission.

How do you turn pain into purpose? ›

3 Steps to Transform Pain Into Purpose
  1. Step 1: Find Your Essence.
  2. Step 2: Meditate or Pray Daily With Intention.
  3. Step 3: Discover Your Purpose.
Nov 9, 2016

Why am I always bored no matter what I do? ›

Boredom can manifest when you're unable to focus your attention. This can be because you are consumed by multiple stressors in your surroundings. If you're stressed out about something else, and your present situation is overly-stimulating, you may feel bored.

What causes a boring life? ›

One of the most common reasons why you feel bored is because your life is becoming too much of a routine to the point where you know what to expect in all your days to common. There are too many mundane things in your life that you lack spontaneity and adventure, and this is why your life can be perceived as boring.

Why am I so bored and tired all the time? ›

Felling slugging, bored, and tired all the time has become a common complaint these days. This could be due to various reasons, including certain lifestyle habits like not sleeping enough, consuming junk food, and lack of adequate physical activity.

How can I happy myself? ›

How to Be Happy With Yourself: 6 Tips for a Happy Life
  1. Engage in physical activity. Feeling happy is a holistic practice that includes your body as well as your mind. ...
  2. Focus on others. ...
  3. Identify and analyze your negative thoughts. ...
  4. Meditate. ...
  5. Practice regular gratitude. ...
  6. Remember short-term goals.
Jun 13, 2022

How to be happy in life? ›

How to be happier
  1. Manage your stress levels. If you have a lot of stress in your life, find ways to reduce it, such as learning a few time-management techniques. ...
  2. Enjoy yourself. ...
  3. Boost your self-esteem. ...
  4. Have a healthy lifestyle. ...
  5. Talk and share. ...
  6. Build your resilience.

What is the most valuable thing in your life? ›

What Really Matters – The 7 Most Important Things in Life
  • Peace. Rule #1, protect your peace. ...
  • Health. So many of us take our health for granted until something life-changing happens, and our health becomes at risk. ...
  • Family & Friendship. Our relationships are our foundation. ...
  • Purpose. Purpose is our “why.” ...
  • Time. ...
  • Learning. ...
  • Love.

What are the 7 habits that lead to happiness in old age? ›

Using data from the Harvard study, two researchers showed in 2001 that we can control seven big investment decisions pretty directly: smoking, drinking, body weight, exercise, emotional resilience, education, and relationships.

What makes you feel unhappy? ›

Leading an unhealthy lifestyle: Much of your overall happiness comes from what you put into your body and how much you move. If you have unhealthy eating habits, addictions, or a sedentary lifestyle, you are more likely to get stuck in negative patterns of thoughts and behaviors.

What is the happiest human? ›

Having gained a PhD degree in molecular genetics, Matthieu Ricard changed his path from science to become a Buddhist monk, and was declared to be the “happiest person on the planet” after a 12-year study by the University of Wisconsin.

How do I find a job with no passion? ›

Try these ways to find a career that meets your interests and strengths:
  1. Identify your strengths. ...
  2. Consider your hobbies. ...
  3. Take a career quiz. ...
  4. Look for a role model. ...
  5. Try something completely new. ...
  6. Research potential salaries. ...
  7. Talk to a friend. ...
  8. Find an internship or apprenticeship.
Jun 24, 2022

How do I find my passion and dream job? ›

Here are some common steps for how to pursue your dream career:
  1. Contact established professionals. The first step in finding your dream job is deciding where to look for first-hand insight. ...
  2. Choose specific titles to pursue. ...
  3. Consider continuing your education. ...
  4. Research certifications or licenses. ...
  5. Search for job openings.
Feb 16, 2023

How do I find a job I won't hate? ›

How can I find a job I don't hate?
  1. Why Do I Hate My Job? ...
  2. Understand what REALLY makes you unhappy about your current (or past) situation. ...
  3. Identify your purpose at work in order to sustain motivation. ...
  4. Treat work like a hands-on course for learning the skills you want. ...
  5. Think about the kind of environment you flourish in.
Nov 11, 2019

Is it easier for attractive people to get jobs? ›

Researchers showed more than 300 videos to a sample of hiring managers. The results were unequivocal: the better the looks, the better the chances of getting hired. Sophia Amoruso, the CEO of Nasty Girl, was voted sexist CEO on the planet by Business Insider magazine. She is worth $280m.

What to do if you don't like any jobs? ›

What to do if you're stuck in a job you don't like
  1. Be clear about what you can and can't control. ...
  2. Take time to look after yourself. ...
  3. Make a list of pros and cons. ...
  4. Make the most of your downtime. ...
  5. Change how you think about your work. ...
  6. Talk to someone. ...
  7. Make a plan to find different work.

Which career would have the highest average income per year? ›

Highest-Paying Occupations
Chief Executives$189,520309.20%
Computer and Information Systems Managers$164,070254.30%
Architectural and Engineering Managers$159,920245.30%
17 more rows

What degree is least employable? ›

College majors with the highest unemployment rate
  • Fine arts (12.1%)
  • Philosophy (9.1%)
  • Sociology (9%)
  • Family and consumer sciences (8.9%)
  • Mass media (8.4%)
  • Commercial art and graphic design (7.9%)
  • Foreign language (7.8%)
  • Performing arts (7.6%)
Feb 13, 2023

What is the coolest degree to have? ›

Towards Meaningful & Rewarding Careers. Based on Payscale's 2021 College Salary Report, the top three best degrees to study are petroleum engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, and applied economics and management.

What majors do people not regret? ›

Top 10 Most Regret-Free College Majors
  • Computer & Information Sciences (72%)
  • Criminology (72%)
  • Engineering (71%)
  • Nursing (69%)
  • Health (67%)
  • Business Administration & Management (66%)
  • Finance (66%)
  • Psychology (65%)
Nov 19, 2022

Which professions will be in demand? ›

12 high demand jobs
  1. Computer manager. Computer managers oversee a company's network and IT services, ensuring users can access required software and tools without interruption. ...
  2. Paralegal. ...
  3. Technical writer. ...
  4. Web developer. ...
  5. Financial manager. ...
  6. Medical assistant. ...
  7. Software developer. ...
  8. Market research analyst.
May 17, 2023

Which field will be in demand in future? ›

According to research, the top 10 in-demand jobs profiles of 2023 will include: Data Scientist. Data Analyst. Blockchain Engineer.

Is it okay if you don't know everything? ›

It's okay to not know everything. Curiosity is a beautiful thing. The only way to make it through these new unknowns is with courage. Courage to see that even when you feel unprepared, you are still allowed to give your all, knowing that this is what helps you grow.

Why it's OK to not know everything? ›

Being able to embrace not knowing is one of the most important, yet challenging aspects of life and growth. Being okay with not knowing allows us to be creative, open, and willing to live in a state of wonder and possibility, like children do.

Does anyone know what they are doing in life? ›

Nobody knows what they are “doing with their lives.” Some people have a better idea of what they're working toward, but ultimately, none of us can accurately anticipate or summarize what our existence is about.

Is it normal to doubt your career choice? ›

If you've ever experienced self-doubt, rest assured it's completely normal to question your own abilities. Questioning yourself it Is inevitable whenever you're trying to achieve something you've never done before.

Is it OK to be confused about career? ›

Keep an open mind. Throughout your career change process, try to be open-minded by unpacking your preconceptions and seriously considering all the possibilities available to you. This can help you explore career options that you may have otherwise overlooked.

Is it normal to not know what you want to be in the future? ›

It is actually fine if you don't know what you want to do in future. Most people are not necessarily doing what, some years ago, they envisioned themselves doing. Life happened to many of us! I have heard a lot of people tell me they are clueless about what they want to do after graduation, and they feel bad about it.

Is it normal to not know what career you want at 25? ›

The short answer is yes. It's common for people to not know what career they want at 25. You don't have to have everything figured out in your 20s. There is this myth of young kids knowing exactly what they want and growing up to be hyper-successful.

What is the biggest career mistakes you have made? ›

13 career mistakes and what you can learn from them
  1. Forgetting to negotiate your salary. ...
  2. Abandoning your network. ...
  3. Missing deadlines. ...
  4. Ceasing development of your skills. ...
  5. Switching jobs without following protocol. ...
  6. Avoiding setting career goals. ...
  7. Neglecting relationships at work. ...
  8. Prioritizing money.
Aug 12, 2022

What is the most common mistake people make in choosing a career path? ›

Having No Plan in Place

Not building a career progression plan is easily one of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to career progression.

What is one of the most common mistakes people make in choosing a career? ›

Making decisions based on salary alone

One of the most common career mistakes is focusing on compensation alone. When choosing a job or career, there is more to consider besides just salary and perks.

What percentage of people choose the wrong career path? ›

If making a complete guess, you would only choose your perfect career 0.008% of the time. For reference, the odds of being struck by lightning in your lifetime is 1 in 3,000 or 0.03%. That would mean you are 4 times more likely to be struck by lightning than picking your perfect career path.

Is 21 too old to change careers? ›

It is never too late to switch careers. Indeed, many people change careers, often later in life. Still, you must weigh your life priorities to determine whether it is worthwhile. Yes, for many people, restarting your career is well worth it.

Is it a fact you are never too old to switch careers? ›

No matter your age, there is always something new you can learn. If you're motivated and passionate enough about what you want to do, it's never too late to embark on a new career path.

What is it called when you feel like you have no future? ›

A sense of foreshortened future involves feeling as if life will be cut short without any real explanation as to why. People who experience this may also feel they won't be able to reach milestones in their life, such as a career, marriage, or children.

What to do when you feel unsure about your future? ›

How to Manage Feelings of Uncertainty About the Future
  1. Reflect. Check in with yourself. ...
  2. Don't "should" on yourself. ...
  3. Know when to shut it down. ...
  4. Find your "best gift" for the day. ...
  5. Move past shame. ...
  6. Find your "resilience circle." ...
  7. Don't try to make sense of things too soon.
Oct 13, 2020

Why do I feel dread when I think about the future? ›

While some anxiety before events and situations is common, excessive levels of anticipatory anxiety can suggest an anxiety disorder. Individuals who have overwhelming fears, or worry about the future, should speak to their doctor or a mental health professional.

What age do most people peak career? ›

From career achievements to family milestones, these are the years in which you'll see the hard work you put in during your 20s and 30s really start to pay off. These decades are known as your peak earning years, as full-time workers with bachelor's degrees tend to make the most money in their 40s and 50s.

Is 25 too old to turn your life around? ›

No, 25 is not too late to start over. In fact, it's a great time to reassess and refocus your career goals.

Is 30 too old to not have a career? ›

If you're over 30 with no career, there are many reasons why you may not have found your ideal career yet, but it's never too late. On the contrary, you're at an advantage over many younger people because you likely know more about yourself and your unique abilities and skills.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.